Festival Album - CD ROZSTAJE 2002
Laureates of Małopolska Traditional Music Competition
Bochnianie (Grand Prix in category: Ensembles) - ensemble from Bochnia consisting of: Józef Różyński (heligonka), Tomasz Ferenc (clarinet), Czesław Pająk (trumpet), Roman Raczyński (violin II), Jerzy Grzesik (violin I), Ryszard Sroga (double bass).
Polaniorze (Grand Prix in category: Ensembles) - ensemble from Kościelisko consist of: Wojciech Leśniak (basolia), Adam Karpiel (violin), Adam Gąsienica (violin), Maciej Krzeptowski (violin)
Siedlecanki (1st Award in category: Singing Groups) - singing group from Siedlce.
Bartłomiej Koszarek-Benkowy (1st Award in category: Soloists-Instrumentalists) - he comes from Bukowina Tatrzańska and plays the melodies of the Skalne Podhale region on zlobcoki; in the People's House in Bukowina he leads youth groups, teaching highlander singing and dancing, playing shepherd's instruments, zlobcoki and violin.
Tomasz Majerczyk (1st Award in category: Soloists-Singers) - he comes from Zakopane (age 11), a student of Krzysztof Trebunia-Tutka, he sings the melodies of the Skalne Podhale region and plays shepherd's instruments and violin.
Beata Bochnia (1st Award in category: Soloists-Singers) - she comes from Biecz and sings songs from the Biecz region.
C. K. Duchace (2nd Award in category: Ensembles) - the band plays the melodies of the Skalne Podhale on Podhale "koza" bagpipes, produced by the band's leader, Tomasz Skupień from Kuźnice (Zakopane), a lover and builder of instruments.
Polaniorki (2nd Award in category: Singing Groups) - a singing group from Kościelisko consisting of: Zofia Łukaszczyk, Krystyna Bukowska, Katarzyna Michalik, Maria Krupa; they perform traditional songs of Podhale, including pastoral, mountain, wedding songs and ballads.
Maria Dębska (2nd Award in category: Soloists-Singers) - singer from Rudno.
Anna Guzik (2nd Award in category: Soloists-Singers) - she comes from Biecz and sings songs from the Biecz region.
Muzyka Dziecięca Chyców Magdziarzy (3rd Award in category: Ensembles) - a band operating at the Tatra Cultural and Sports Center "Jutrzenka" in Zakopane, led by Krzysztof Trebunia-Tutka; the oldest member of the band is 16 years old.
Grupa Śpiewacza z Lipnicy (3rd Award in category: Singing Groups) - the group operates at the Culture Center in Korzenna. The band consists of: Maria Gad, Iwona Gajkowska, Reneta Głąb, Stefania Turek, Danuta Sad.
Krakusy (Accolade in category: Enbsembles) - the family band of Jan Nowak from Krakow, playing traditional melodies of the Krakow region, as well as reconstructing the repertoire based on the ethnographic collection of Oskar Kolberg.
Małgorzata Stoch (Accolade in category: Soloists-Instrumentalists) - she comes from Zakopane (age 18) and plays on zlobcoki; she's a student of Krzysztof Trebunia-Tutka
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Track listing:
1. Jan Karpiel Bułecka - powitanie / 1.08
2. Tomasz Majerczyk (1st Award) -
przyśpiewki i nuty Skalnego Podhala / 7.46
3. Małgorzata Stoch (Accolade) -
gra na złóbcokach melodie Skalnego Podhala / 3.20
4. Muzyka Dziecięca Chyców Magdziarzy (3rd Award) -
nuty Skalnego Podhala / 4.32
5. Siedlecanki (1st Award) - Przelecioł sokół.../Świeć miesiącku... / 4.28
6. Bartłomiej Koszarek-Benkowy (1st Award) -
gra na złóbcokach melodie Skalnego Podhala / 3.19
7. Grupa śpiewacza z Lipnicy (3rd Award) -
Żyła na świecie święta Helena.../Smutny dzień nastał... / 10.47
8. Bochnianie (GRAND PRIX) -
Krakowiak niepołomski, Oberek (Ryś) z Bochni, Polka (Galopka) z Bochni / 5.12
9. Beata Bochnia (1st Award) -
Ej, nuta moja, nuta (weselna), W ciemnym lesie ptosek śpiywo (zalotna) / 3.07
10. Anna Guzik (2nd Award) - Oj, cyje to konisie (zalotna) / 0.54
11. Polaniorki (2nd Award) -
Kiedy jo se pasła... (pasterska), przyśpiewki weselne / 4.22
12. Krakusy (Accolade) - Ty dziewczyno moja / 2.34
13. Maria Dębska (2nd Award) - Oj, posła św. Helena... / 3.34
14. C.K. Duchace - kapela Tomka Skupnia (2nd Award) -
melodie Skalnego Podhala / 4.42
15. Polaniorze (GRAND PRIX) - nuty Skalnego Podhala / 11.16
Jan Słowiński Publishing House
Biuro Kraków 2000
mixing & mastering: Aleksander Wilk
cover: "Ptaki" ["Birds"] - a fragment of the painting of Piotr Klamerus
graphics: Advertising Agency "Po Godzinach"
production support:
The City of Kraków
PKO Bank Polski
Radio Kraków
Gazeta Wyborcza