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Teresa Mirga & Kałe Bała – "The Songs from Czarna Góra" (Poland, Spisz)


Romani poet, Teresa Mirga, creates in Polish and Roma languages. She lives in Czarna Góra in Polish Spisz, where the Gypsies from the Bergitka Roma tribe have settled almost 300 years ago. With the band Kałe Bała (Black Hair) she performs not only her own compositions, but also Gypsy songs, sung for ages by the Roma people, from the Carpathian Mountains, to the Balkan Peninsula. This kind of music will be the main part of the concert of Gypsy poet and singer at the Rozstaje/Crossroads Festival. There are publications of Teresa Mirga worth mentioning: „Czarna jestem” (Unicornio, Berlin), the recordings for Polish Radio in the series „Muzyka Źródeł” [The Music of the Roots], the album „Niewiele nam trzeba” - published by Jan Słowiński's Publishing House and also two volumes of poetry: „Soske kawka?/Czemu tak?” (1994) and „Pieśni z Czarnej Góry” (1999), published by Spółka Poetów – Koło Podkowy. The concert at the Rozstaje/Crossroads Festival 2007 will be promoting a new poetry book: „Wiersze i pieśni” and a new music album: „Od Bałkan do Karpat”, published by Gold Music.


Teresa Mirga – vocals, guitar

Żaneta Knihinicka – vocals, spoons

Jacek Kacica – jug, drum

Maciek Rybka – accordion, vocals


27.07.2007, 7:00 PM, Szczepański Square

WORKSHOPS (Yurts at the Szczepański Square):

27.07.2007, 5:00–6:00 PM – Teresa Mirga: traditional Gypsy songs


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