Teresa Mirga and Kałe Bała (Poland, Spisz)
Gypsy poet Teresa Mirga (born in 1962) creates in Polish and Romani. She lives in Czarna Góra, in Spisz, where Gypsies of the Bergitka Roma tribe have settled almost three hundred years ago. Together with the band Kałe Bała (Black Hair) she performs her own compositions, as well as gypsy songs, sung for a long time by the Roma from the Carpathians to the Balkans. These kind of songs will be the biggest part of the Festival concert of this Gypsy poet and singer. The most important publications by Teresa Mirga are the album „Czarna jestem” („I am Black”) (Unicornio, Berlin), recordings of the Polish Radio as part of the „Muzyka Źródeł” series, published by the Spółka Poetów - Koło Podkowy, two volumes of poems: „Soske kawka? / Czemu tak?” („Why so?”) (1994), „Pieśni z Czarnej Góry” („Songs of Black Mountain”) (1999) and CD from 2003: „Niewiele nam trzeba” („We don't need much”).
Concert as part of the festival: July 18, 2003, 4:30 PM, Main Square