Szkoła Ginących Zawodów [School of Vanishing Professions] (Poland, Podhale)
The School of Vanishing Professions began operating in 1999 at the Dom Ludowy in Bukowina Tatrzańska. The goal of the initiative is to save the dying craft, show the young generation the vanishing beauty and learn how to create it, as well as help teams in training and finding roots in the village tradition. The instructors run classes in the fields of cutting, sewing, embroidery (folk costumes for men and women), glass painting, ceramics, woodcarving and toy making, building old shepherd's instruments, stone and wood carvings, and blacksmithing. At the ROZSTAJE Festival, you can experience some of the secrets of old craftsmanship personally under the guidance of a master.
Director: Zygmunt Kuchta
The workshops took place at the Main Square (from the Town Hall's side), July 28, 2000 and July 29, 2000, 12:00 PM– 8:00 PM