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Szászcsávás (Transylvania - Romania)


Szászcsávás is a small village in the valley of the Kis-Küküllõ (Tîrnava Mica) river in Transylvania, Romania. Most of the 900 inhabitants of the village are Hungarians, about 20% - Gypsies. Szászcsávás is an exception on the music map of Hungary. This village is probably the only place in Hungary where we meet polyphonic singing - exceptional in Hungarian folklore, which is dominated by monophonic singing.


The tradition of Transylvania was musical setting for weddings and other celebrations performed by Gypsies, and before the Second World War also by Jews. For generations, the fame of the Gypsy musicians from Szászcsávás spread throughout the region. The people of Szászcsávás are an audience with higher than average expectations - weak musicians are not tolerated here. Gypsies live here on the edge of the village, which is quite rich by Transylvania standards. They earn a living by doing seasonal field work and by making bricks. Taking into consideration really poor living conditions, making music became the only way for inhabitants to improve them. Among the Gypsies, the percentage of people who can play various instruments is astonishing - mostly string instruments, and recently also accordion, drums, saxophone and electric organs. The repertoire of musicians from Szászcsávás is extremely wide, as it is played here for Hungarians, Romanians and Gypsies.


concert: Thursday, September 6 at 9.00-10.00 PM,

Festival Club Pod Jaszczurami, Main Square 8


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