The Tafijczuk Family (Ukraine – the Hutsul region)
„(...) naturally rough music. Its spontaneity is based on an intense sound, dizzying pace and constant repetition of the same theme. The Tafijczuk family is an unusual band. Hutsul music is encoded in their blood – by playing it for many generations, they acquire inhuman, even devilish technical proficiency. They sing and play with passion. Their playing makes the air vibrate with the sounds, the ear cannot follow the melody, and the floor trembles from dancing (...) "
[Monika Walenko "Gazeta Wyborcza"]
The Tafijczuk family comes from the village of Bukowiec in the Ukrainian part of the Carpathians, they are made up of: the father and the head of the family – Mychajlo Tafijczuk (born 1939), his three sons – Jurij, Dmytro, Mykoła, and daughter Hanna. Their music is an authentic and free from any accretions sound of Hutsul folklore. The Tafijczuk family use a wide range of traditional instruments: sopilka, monteliev, telenka, floyars (flutes), thrombites, bagpipes, dulcimers and violins. Mychaijło Tafijczuk is one of the last coryphaeans of the art of building Hutsul instruments. The band is often invited to local weddings and rarely performs outside the Hutsul region. Apart from playing, the musicians also work in carpentry and blacksmithing.
concert, workshops:
Hutsul music and dances
Friday, September 7 at 10.15 PM,
Festival Club Pod Jaszczurami, Main Square 8