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Słowińska - Aukso - Konieczny. Live @NOSPR. Online CD premiere.

Today the online premiere of the newest album with the music of Zygmunt Konieczny takes place [listen]. It was made on the basis of premiere audio and video recordings, documenting a concert of compositions by Zygmunt Konieczny - the creator of the Polish „literary song” genre. The event took place in the NOSPR concert hall in March 2018 with the participation of Joanna Słowińska, the AUKSO Orchestra conducted by Marek Moś and the Stanisław Słowiński Quintet. The project consisted in part of premiere performances and recordings - in new arrangements by Stanisław Słowiński, made in consultation with the composer. The publisher of the publication is the Rozstaje/Crossroads Association.

The concert was received with ovation by the audience of nearly 2000 people, who filled the NOSPR hall. In terms of repertoire, it is a summary of Konieczny's compositional achievements; some of his works were dedicated to the soloist: Joanna Słowińska (including solo parts of the cantata form „Serce moje gram”, to the lyrics by Stanisław Wyspiański), some are known from the repertoire of Ewa Demarczyk or has been composed for films („Jańcio Wodnik”) and theater performances („Noc listopadowa”). There are also compositions, that he created to the lyrics by remarkable Polish poets (Maria Jasnorzewska-Pawlikowska, Julian Tuwim, Miron Białoszewski, Wojciech Młynarski, Agnieszka Osiecka and others) - defining the rank and canon of the „literary song” genre today. The phonographic part of this project is complemented by video recordings, illustrating the musical part and interviews with the co-creators and creators of the event: Joanna Wnuk-Nazarowa, Zygmunt Konieczny, Joanna Słowińska, Marek Moś, Stanisław Słowiński, made immediately before and after the concert at the NOSPR hall. Online premiere: 30/09/2020. The album will be available free of charge and without restrictions for internet users for 6 months from the date of its online release.


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