Opening the Gates #NewAddress #StrefaNowa

Dear Friends,
we have settled in the beautiful place: within the walls of the former Discaled Carmelite monastery at 19 Kopernika Street in Krakow, and we are looking ahead 🙂
And a glance back?
A wooden monastery and church appeared on Wesoła in 1606. For centuries, it served the people of Krakow and Poland. In 1772, the monastery and church also witnessed the battles between the Bar Confederates and the Russians. In 1788, the monastery was purchased for the Jagiellonian University, and the management of St. Lazarus Clinical Hospital was entrusted to the Sisters of Charity. The University Hospital operated here until 2019, after whichit was relocated to Prokocim. The City of Krakow purchased the former monastery building to use it as a cultural animation center, as part of the city's large-scale revitalization plan for the "creative district of Wesoła".
We have the pleasure and honor of neighboring here with Capella Cracoviensis, the Music Cooperative, and across the courtyard with the Design Pharmacy and the KBF headquarters. We warmly invite you to concerts, festivals, music workshops, and meetings!