BAGDE of INVENTION by EFFE for EtnoKrakow/Crossroads Festival

"What Crossroads Association can surely take pride in is that - though seeing other festivals cancelling one after another since March - not for a second did they doubt that the festival would take place in 2020 - upholding its 22 year tradition. They took on the formula and subtitle OnEarth - OnAir - OnLine, offering various versions in proportion between these fields. Fortunately they've been able to meet their listeners in person during the open-air concerts as well as the chamber ones. Simultaneously they did not abandon the idea of radio broadcasting and live streaming. This way the chamber concerts with audience limitation of 40 people each, could have been seen by 16 000 more. Alongside other live streams from Strefa club - the Association's all-year-round project - have gained more than 100 000 views. They've broadened their knowledge of the available streaming tools, and they're planning to keep sharing more of the productions online after the pandemic to keep in touch with those of the listeners that are not able to join them in person.
Ironically - during the preparations and and then the festival itself - they could have found half of their team in this group (including the directors) who spent over 40 days in quarantine... With only a few of them left in the field; (...) they did not give up; carrying everything out according to the plan. Due to quarantine restrictions and borders being closed, the international character of the festival was put into a question - but not for long. It quickly became apparent to them that they were able to propose a very diverse international line up, inviting exclusively the artists that are currently living in Poland. (...)"
[ Simon Mundy / European Festival Association / EFFE ]