Mitsou (Hungary)
Gifted with an extraordinary voice and talent Monika Juhasz Miczura – Mitsou is one of the most appreciated artists of Roma origin. Her hometown is Bekescsaba. As a teenager she moved to Budapest with her family, where she was discovered as a young talent by Jeno Zsigo, the frontman of the band Ando Drom. With this band, playing Roma music, Mitsou cooperated for 8 years, by recording albums („Kaj phirel o Del”, „Phari mamo”) and by concerting in different parts of the world. While still playing with Ando Drom, she started her solo career by recording film music (for Tony Gatlif „Gadjo Dilo” and „Swing” or Zoltan Kamondy „Kisertesek”). For many years she's working with Danish composer Hans-Erik Philip and French formation Bratch. Mitsou is also a member of „Global Vocal Meeting”.
In the band created by Mitsou few years ago there are artists sensitive to music traditions. Concert programme „mucaMutsou” consist of songs linking elements of Roma culture with contemporary world influences. These are going to be artist's favourite songs. „These songs originated from different Gypsy traditions (…) There are songs of my mother, my family, shared celebration or funerals. I collected them among the representatives of the older generation of Roma, who had sung them in a specific way, which I cannot ressurect by myself” - Mitsou tells.
Mitsou – vocals
Gusztav Varga – vocals, guitar
Andras Monori – kaval, gadulka, saxophone
Szlobodan Wertetics – harmonica
Csaba Novak – double bass
Gabor Pusztai – „konewka”, cajon, darabouka
30.07.2005, 8:45 PM, Main Square