Kapela ze Wsi Warszawa / Warsaw Village Band (Poland)
(26.07.2008, 7:00 PM, Main Square)
The band is concerting continuously for 10 years. The laureate of 'New Tradition' Festival in 1998 (2nd Award and Audience Award). The group concerted often in Western Europe, raising big interest of media and public. They recorded some important albums for the Polish folk scene: „Wiosna Ludu” (2001), „Wykorzenienie” (2005). The year 2004 brought to the band (next to further concerting in Europe, America and Asia) the biggest achievement so far: the award in the prestigious contest of BBC3 Radio: „Awards for World Music 2004” in the cathegory of „Newcomer”. Current and former members of the band participate also in many others Polish folk groups (Village Kollektiv, Stilo), but also punk ones (Antidotum). The group is also known for its engagement in Nigdy Więcej Association awareness project: „Muzyka przeciwko rasizmowi” [Music against racism].
The concert at the Rozstaje/Crossroads Festival promotes their newest album „Wymixowanie”, released by Kayax label in May, 2008.
Band members:
Maja Kleszcz – cello, basolia, vocals
Magdalena Sobczak – dulcimer, vocals
Sylwia Świątkowska – violin, Płock fiddle, vocals
Wojciech Krzak – violin, hurdy-durdy, Jew's harp
Piotr Gliński – baraban drum, xylophone
Maciej Szajkowski – frame drum, percussion instruments