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Kapela Hałasów (Poland)

Workshops – Slavic dances: „Między Wisłą a Dunajem” [„Between Vistula and Danube”]: 29.07.2010, 5:00-6:30 PM and 7:00-8:30 PM, Fabryka


Raw sound, spiced by a pinch of melancholy and nostalgia for the old times. Music for listening, dancing, tasting. Family duo of extraordinary artists, working for years in the research for the most interesting and most archaic forms of European music, dance and craft. Knowledge taken from the rural masters and extended by ethnographic studies, constant musical activity, theater and plastic art experiences, four kids, house in the countryside and open mind – all of these makes this musical couple absolutely unique. Members of the most interesting folk formations in Poland (Bractwo Ubogich, Muzykanci, Lautari), international artistic projects (Tikkun, Schola Węgajty, Dom Tańca – Poznań) and theater projects (Teatr 44, Teatr Cinema, Teatr Strefa Ciszy, Teatr A3).

Dancing practise – from parties in village fire stations, to meetings with professional dancers – helped them develop their own style of conducting dance parties and workshops. They consist mainly of pageant and vortex dances, live music and teaching the moves in real time, while having fun. These most archaic dance forms are based on easy and repetetive sequences of moves and gradually increasing dynamics. Enriched with beautiful melodies played on unique folk instruments, these dances quickly build a sense of community in a group.


Band members:

Jacek Hałas – vocals, hurdy-gurdy, accordion, dance conducting

Alicja Choromańska-Hałas – drum, gordon

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