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Jorgos & Antonis Skolias / Poland/Greece

A sensational family team bringing their own, refreshing vision of music, disregarding all genre limitations, freely drawing inspirations from folk and traditional music – in particular Greek, but also from other regions of Europe, as well as jazz. The outstanding Polish vocalist and his no less talented son playing the drums, propose the audience their trans music deeply rooted in the rhythm, whilst at the same melodious.

Kolos is the name of the duo and the title of the record released by Jorgos (vocals) and Antonis (drums). The duo explores Jorgos’ childhood memories and Antonis’ musical inspirations. In their largely improvised music one can retrace soul, rhythm and blues and folk. At one time acoustic, and other electronic. Some texts are lyrics of Greek songs remembered from childhood years, others are poetry by Konstantinos Kawafis. It is the authors’ musical project composed, improvised and played live.

Jorgos Skolias is an outstanding vocalist and songwriter. The improviser. He developed his own technique of harmonic singing. For many years one of the most colourful figures of the Polish stage oscillating around jazz, also known to the blues, rock and folk audiences. He sang with such groups as Krzak, as a guest star with Dżem and Leszek Winder Blues Forever, as well as Basspace Witold Szczurek, Osjan Young Power and Pick Up Formation. His first record Zulu was a duet with Radosław Nowakowski. Later he cooperated with Bronisław Duży, Apostolis Antymos, Bogdan Hołownia, Tie Break and Cracow Klezmer Band. Together with brothers Marcin and Bartłomiej Oleś, he created a highly acclaimed trio --Sefardix – that has two records to its credit (and the title of the Folk Phonogram of the Year 2013).

Antonis Skolias concerted with Bronisław Duży, Grzegorz Kapołka, Dariusz Ziółek, Mr Krime, and Vladimirska ensemble. He cooperates with Szczecin and Lublin theatres. He composes music for theatrical performances and radio dramas. He set up and directs the ensemble Amusing Companions.

The concert took place in 2017.

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