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Joanna Słowińska / Poland

Voice Center / workshops of Polish traditional songs
Museum of Ethnography / Kraków, Plac Wolnica 1
13.07 / Sunday / 6.00-8.00 PM
14.07 / Monday / 8.30-10.00 PM

Joanna Słowińska - known for her repertoire inspired by Polish and Slavic traditional music. Winner of numerous prestigious festivals, including Festival of Polish Radio ”New Tradition” (1999, 2004, 2005), the Festival of Songs in Wroclaw (2004), Festival of Polish Song in Opole (2009). She conducts original educational activities in the Voice Centre (Krakow, ul. Św. Tomasza 31) and cooperates with the Centre for Theatre Practices Gardzienice (a lecturer at the X Theatre Academy). Co-founder of the band MUZYKANCI - one of the most interesting groups of the ethnic Polish scene. She also performs with a J.A.S.S Trio and the AKT band. She has performed recitals in the USA (NY Broadway Symphony Space, Chicago Cultural Center) and in most European countries. In 2013, she was awarded by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage with the Gloria Artis medal - for merit to culture.

* in folk tradition the song accompanied people in the most important moments of their lives; during the workshops we offer learning Polish ritual songs about birth, love and death; there will be songs from the Polish central and eastern borderland

* the work on the voice is not only about the technique, but rather, distinctly for everyone, self-consciousness: the physical and the spiritual ones; you will find your own way in the search for the songs inside of you with the white voice technique and traditional Polish songs - different for each of us

* singing is a passion, liberation, a way of life, the space to express thoughts and understanding of the world, one of the original, instinctive ways of communicating; singing engages the whole body; breathing, pulse, the blood that flows are more intense than ever; enthralled breath becomes a tool and allows to control the body - it is a joint part for movement and singing.

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