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Jarosław Bester (Poland)

(25.07.2008, 9:00 PM, Rotunda - „Concert of one instrument”)


Virtuoso and composer – he assimilates elements of classical music, jazz, avant garde and achievements of contemporary chamber music. He is a creator and leader of Bester Quartet (former: Cracow Klezmer Band). At the same time he is a composer and arranger of the most compositions of the group. Together with a violinist Jarosław Tyrała, multi-instrumentalist Oleg Dyyak and double bass player Wojciech Front, by the name of Cracow Klezmer Band, he recorded six albums for the pretigious New York Tzadik Records label of John Zorn. „Accordion Solo”, which is Jarosław Bester's solo project, exposes unprecedented capabilities of accordion – an instrument with a short history, but extremely respected and resonating in an amazing way with contemporary music of classical, jazz, avant garde and folk roots. In the concert programme there are not only classical compositions prepared specially for this evening, but also elements derived from folk tradition – completed with virtuosity and performing passion.


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