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Jacek Hałas (Poland)

(20.07.2012, 11:00 PM, Magazyn Kultury | Kolanko No 6 – as a part of „The Night of the Nomads” concert)


Jacek Hałas is a graduate of Academy of Arts in Poznan, musician, singer, dancer, restless spirit. Co-creator of many interesting bands (Reportaż, Bractwo Ubogich, Muzykanci, Ket Jo Barat, Lautari, Kwartet Wiejski, Kapela Hałasów), a participant of artistic projects (Poznan House of Dance, Tikkun, the Book, Nomadzi Kultury) and theater projects (Teatr Cinema, Teatr Strefa Ciszy, Teatr A3, Teatr i Schola Węgajty). His areas of interest are: traditions of wandering singers, pageant and vortex dances, workshop organizing and other educational activities. Since 2005 together with his wife Alicja (folk percussion instruments) as Nomadzi Kultury [Nomads of the Culture] they travel all over Europe with their own yurt, where they present effects of their long research and projects realized with other artists from all over the world. Jacek Hałas has been searching for years for traces of „Poor Wanderers” songs in living tradition, ethnographic records, home archives and he also practices playing on the traditional instrument of wandering singers – a hurdy-gurdy.

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