InFidelis / Poland
InFidelis means UnFaithful, it also creates a boundless field for exploration and interpretation for fiddle. The band was founded by Helena Matuszewska and Marta Sołek. They draw from tradition, but they are far from repeating schemes. On stage, the traditional instruments are combined with a looper.
The repertoire of the duet is inspired by folk melodies from all regions of Poland – those found in Oskar Kolberg’s works, as well as those heard where the artists lived. InFidelis is not faithful to any genre, stylistic or convention. It is not the music of the roots, instead, it is the music of tree crowns – a starting point towards their own artistic search. That was also the music brought by the last year’s 2 CD release Projekt.Kolberg (Project.Kolberg). The first CD was filled with music performed by the duet, the second one contained an animated film with music composed by InFidelis.
Both artists have a musical education. They gathered their folk experience collaborating with Maria Pomianowska. They are also both members of the Same Suki band, which received the special prize at the New Tradition Festival four years ago. In 2013 the band released an album titled Niewierne (Unfaithful)
Marta Sołek graduated from the cello class at the Academy of Music in Krakow. She was the first student of the only faculty of ethnic music in Poland, headed by Maria Pomianowska. She collaborated with Arcus Poloniae, Mosaic, Cicha & Spółka. Helena Matuszewska graduated from the violin class at the FCUM in Warsaw. She also collaborates with Naneli Lale, Lans Makabr and Arcus Poloniae.
In December 2015 the duo won the 2nd prize at the Open Stage Competition of the Mikołajki Folkowe Festival, and this year the band received 2nd prize at the New Tradition Festival. Moreover, they also won the “Storm of Applause” plebiscite.
Members of the group:
Helena Matuszewska – Biłgoraj suka, looper
Marta Sołek – Płock fiddle, Biłgoraj suka
pic. Bartek Muracki
The concert took place in 2016.