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Duch (Poland)

(29.07.2010, 10:00 PM, Fabryka)


Duch: youngster atomic energy and fluent instrument skills makes explosive coctail, which goes strongly into your head. Unique atmosphere. Nothing stays in place. Acoustic rock with lyrics of Polish poets. String quartet, acoustic guitar, cajon, vocals – this type of configuration gives an opportunity to connect many sound elements. Inspirations by Radiohead, Hey (Unplugged), Bjork, Jeff Buckley, Kronos Quartet. Musical arrangement for lyrics of Rafał Wojaczek, Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer („Mów do mnie jeszcze”) and Maria Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska („Jestem z upływającej wody”).


Band members:

Piotr Nowak – composition, guitar

Regina Bogacz – vocals

Staszek Słowiński – violin

Patrycja Pastrana – viola

Natalia Orkisz – cello

Miłosz Skwirut – double bass

Wiktor Machowski – cajon

Kuba Gołąb – percussion instruments


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