Boris Malkovsky (Israel)
(31.07.2011, 7:00 PM, PWST)
To say that Boris Malkovsky presents contemporary Jewish music is not enough. This classification-eluding artist seeks inspirations independently from the genre specifications. He is connected to jazz, folk, classical music and traditional Jewish themes. As he says himself, the beauty cannot be found in only one sphere.
Boris Malkovsky has worked in music for his entire life. Since four he has been learning the piano and as a teenager he has learned the secrets of improvisation and composition. In his musical journey he was accompanied by piano and button accordion. Not without a meaning were his constant removals. He has lived in Odessa, Moscow, Tel-Aviv and for two years his home has been Krakow. Boris was engaged in many theatrical projects in Israel, he played concerts in many European countries, USA and China, he participated in over 30 albums and released two original ones. Second of them: „Time Petah-Tikva” was released by Tzadik Records label in the series of „Radical Jewish Music”. The series' aim is to promote music of Jewish roots, but modern and avant garde arranges.