Bel Air De Forro / Brazil
Bel Air De Forró is co-created by: Marian Caetano, a charismatic Brazilian singer, gifted with a strong, sonorous voice, and next to her a "real musical tornado" - Yann Le Corre, accordion virtuoso, belonging to the new generation of Breton musicians and Marcelo Costa, ruthlessly dynamic and surgical precise drummer from Sao Paulo. They propose music that, with its impulsive, spontaneous melodiousness, pushes listeners to dance.
The phenomenon of sound of this band is an unusual combination of minimalistic means and subtlety with a real musical dynamism and exuberant stage presentation. And when the three musicians forming this band begin to sing and play, it seems as if there were many more performers on the stage. Above all, the musicians of Bel Air De Forró delight with their performance accuracy and spontaneity; extremely strong foundation in the rhythm and engaging melodies of their songs.
Artists are together since 2012. The basic source of their inspiration is traditional music from northeastern Brazil. They refer to various dance forms such as forró, xote, ciranda, coco, quadrille. They invite you to dance alone, in a duo and in larger groups. They invite you on an educational journey to the land of unpretentious fun supported by excellent music.
Mariana Caetano - vocals
Yann Le Corre - accordion
Marcelo Costa - drums
The concert took place in 2019.