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Adama Drame / Burkina Faso

concert of one instrument:
Żydowskie Muzeum Galicja / Galicia Jewish Museum, Kraków, ul. Dajwór 18
19.07.2014 / Friday / 11.00 PM - 12.00 AM

African rhythms workshops:

Stara Zajezdnia Kraków by DeSilva,
Kraków, ul. Św. Wawrzyńca 12
* 18.07.2014 (Friday) 3.00-3.50 PM
    "Griot's Stories" – a film by Adam Różański / free entry
* 18.07.2014 (Friday) 4.00-5.30 PM
    workshops / free entry

Inspiring improvisator, djembe master ADAMA DRAME (Burkina Faso) will lead us straight into heart of Malinke culture. Adama Drame is not just eminent musician but also a socially aware artist acting against economic and cultural colonialism.

Master percussionist Adama Drame is a sixth-generation djeli griot from the Malinke region of west Africa. Following in his father’s footsteps, Drame became a djembe-playing griot - a revered village storyteller / historian, who recites his people’s important events - wars, family histories, seasons and hunts - to the rhythms of the djembe drum. A griot’s performance can last beyond a full night, and mistakes in tempo or phrasing are not tolerated...

Three meetings with the master of djembe Adama Drame are: a film by Adam Różański dedicated artist: ”Griot’s Stories”, African rhythms workshop and a concert at the festival cycle ”one instrument concert”.


© Rozstaje: u Zbiegu Kultur i Tradycji. Stowarzyszenie

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