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Acoustic Acrobats (Poland)

(25.07.2012, 10:00 PM, Magazyn Kultury | Kolanko No 6)


The band was founded in 2010. The artists previously cooperating in various music projects focused a passion for inspiration and openness to ethnic music from all over the world – creating a new group called Acoustic Acrobats. They have had several hundred performances in Poland, concerts in many European countries, Africa and Jamaica. They gained experience by giving concerts in synagogues, theaters, philharmonics, stadiums, but also in intimate halls and places as exotic as the mission located in the jungle... The group's debut album "Live", which received great reviews, premiered in April this year (LUNA Music, 2012). It consists mainly of instrumental pieces of ethno and jazz music, themes characteristic of Klezmer and Balkan music, and many colors of ethnic music from different regions of the world.


Band members:

Piotr Skupniewicz – clarinets

Jacek Hołubowski – accordion

Adam Leśniak – drums, percussion instruments, vocals

Bogusław Zięba – accordion, piano

Jacek Fedkowicz – bass guitar, double bass

Damian Rękas – manager


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