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Zumba (Poland/Georgia)

(24.07.2011, 6:00 PM, Main Square)


The word: „Z'umba” (or just „Zumba”) has two meanings. It is Georgian name for philosopher's stone and acronym with the first few letters of Georgian saying: „sometimes you only need to wish for something and it will happen...”. The band of this name was created in Tbilisi in 1995. It was founded by cousins: Gija Beżuaszwili (flute, vocals) and Zaza Korinteli (zumba-guitar, vocals). In short time the group became one of the most popular young bands in Georgia. Because of political and economical reasons memebrs of Zumba were forced to leave Georgia. They have been living in Russia, Turkey, Ukraine and other countries and in 1997 they came to Poland – firstly in Warsaw, then in Krakow, which became the second home for the Zumba project. In Krakow they have met musicians: Walentyn Dubrowski and Aleksander Andrijewski from Kiev, Roman Roś and Martyn Twerdun from Lviv and American blues player, Paul Rimple. The reactivation of Zumba as international project (mainly Georgian-Ukrainian-Polish) has happened step by step and the style of the band modified: from authentic Georgian songs, through compositions of Gija Beżuaszwili, to the strong sounds of 'Caucasian' rock. But always important feature of the group is improvisation space. In August, 2003, Zumba recorded an album „O'dia Doe” and this year's album is „Daukari” [Please, play!].


Gija Beżuaszwili – flute, salamuri, panduri, guitar, vocals

Błażej Betlej – bass guitar

Maciej Ołownia – drums

Andrzej „Sqvar” Skwarek – electric cello, keyboard sampler

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