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Wielki Teatrzyk Świata [Great Small Theater of the World] (Poland)


Adam Walny is a designer, performer and animator of puppets used in the performances he directed. The Adam Walny Puppet Theater (Białystok, Gdańsk) implements street theater forms, referring to the ludic traditions of the medieval market theater.

"Kuglarz i Śmierć" [„Juggler and Death”] is a multi-layered story. It spokes about heroes from the medieval epic, who each in their own way, struggled with death, present in their lives in the form of plague. The stories are told by the Juggler, who brings characters to life by activating these mechanisms. And by activating them he struggles with Death, present on stage in living but still non-organic matter.

Bergman in the "Seventh Seal" asks the question: "Why does Death spare the Jugglers?" - Walny in his performance replies: "Death itself is a Juggler."


The performances at the Festival took place:

Main Square (from the side of the monument of A. Mickiewicz), July 28, 2000, 1:00 PM

Main Square (from the side of the monument of A. Mickiewicz), July 29, 2000, 1:00 PM

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