Paulina Bisztyga (Poland)
(25.07.2012, 8:30 PM, Magazyn Kultury | Kolanko No 6)
The work of Paulina Bisztyga is inspired by many fields of art and it's a combination of various forms of creative activity. Paulina consistently follows her own artistic path and does not succumb to seasonal fashions. She writes, composes, sings and paints. She is the author of many volumes of poetry, including – awarded by Maciej Słomczyński – "Nie nazywaj mnie mrokiem" ["Don't call me a darkness"] and many song lyrics and original albums: "Nie ma się co bać", "Proste jest prawo miłości", "Z miłości". Laureate of the Scholarship of Marek Grechuta, Student Song Festival in Krakow and a two-time Fama laureate. The concert of Paulina Bisztyga and Roman Ślazyk (double bass, bass guitar) at Rozstaje Festival – is an original musical and poetic proposal, enriched with songs from the artist's latest album – inspired by the Slavic musical tradition.
Band members:
Paulina Bisztyga – vocals
Roman Ślazyk – double bass