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Mosaik / Poland

16.07.2014 / Wednesday / 7.00-8.00 PM
Żydowskie Muzeum Galicja/ Galicia Jewish Museum, Kraków, ul. Dajwór 18

Mosaik is a group linking Polish early traditional music with the Orient and world music. They play historical and traditional instruments from various countries. They have performed at major folk festivals in Poland. Winners of the „Nowa Tradycja” and the „Mikołajki Folkowe” festivals.


The group gave concerts with artists of the World Music scene such as Nidi D’Arac, Soem Montenegro, Seema Tewari, Al Andaluz Project, Maria Pomianowska.

Jolanta Kossakowska –medieval fiddles, gęśle, vocal
Zofia Kolbe-Wojdyr – Galician bagpipes, flutes, percussion, vocal
Wojciech Lubertowicz – percussion
Mateusz Szemraj – Arab lute, tar, saz, Polish dulcimer
Bart Pałyga – basolia, 'wspak'

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