Mariia Guraievska & Etno Jazz Synthesis (Ukraine/Poland)
(24.07.2012, 9:00 PM, Magazyn Kultury | Kolanko No 6)
Mariia Guraievska was born in Asia, raised in Ukraine, where she graduated from music school and journalistic studies, during her childhood she was associated with the vocal ensemble "Ladowyci", which based its repertoire on precise and long-lasting documentation of traditional Podole songs. Authentic music material collected during summer, multi-day trips to inaccessible and forgotten areas of Ukraine, is now the basis of the singer's repertoire, who dressed it in her own, original, jazz-inspired arrangements. Laureate of the Polish Radio 'New Tradition' Festival (2011).
Band members:
Mariia Guraievska – vocals
Sebastian Kuchczyński – drums
Michał Kapczuk – double bass
Mateusz Szczypka – electric guitar